Mobile Speed Camera Detector
People often talk about them being caught by the speed camera detector when they were driving at a comfortable speed down the highway. It is common scene on especially on highways but the person who is caught speeding pays dearly. Sometimes the authority confiscates the driving license in addition to taking excess fines. All this is very common because people dare to speed and speed high. Speed thrills but it also kills. The government wants to discourage over speeding by putting fines also these payments work as extra revenue. The cameras that detect speeding vehicles are kept at the accident prone areas where there is converging traffic.
It seems that there are cameral everywhere and just pressing the accelerator could cost you your driving license and a considerable amount of dollars. The only solution to fight the camera threat is driving slow or at least slowing down the vehicle where you fear of a camera. Nobody wants to pay that extra money and nobody wants to deprive of the thrill that is associated with speed. If there cou;d be something that could alert drivers of the speed detecting cameras! Something to detect these cameras well in advance is needed. People are waiting desperately to hear that a device has been invented to resolve this camera threat.
Finally a speed camera detector is launched. This electronic equipment could be placed in the mobile phone handsets. It give details about the hidden speed cameras in advance and the driver gets an opportunity to escape unhurt by slowing down the speed of the vehicle before the camera. This is not an illegal device but a very useful gadget. It tells where to slow down and where to speed. People save the money that is to be paid in fine when caught and the authorities escape all the hassle that is associated with catching speeding vehicles and fining the argumentative people.
The speed camera detector is a boon for all motorists. It detects presence of a speed camera and alerts the drivers well in advance. The driver, if speeding, slows down the vehicle and thus escapes from the clutches of the law. Since the device can be made available on the mobile phone, it is easy to carry. How people look at the things is a different matter but being aware of the speed limits and getting caught by the speed cameras is a good thing.