The Creation Of Digital Cameras Proved To Be A Major Break Through

A camera use to produce a still picture in a frame were you either had to have a visitor at your home or pull out your wallet for the viewing of your portraits. Todays Digital Camera with all its multi-functions brings a whole new meaning to taking a picture, even with all of the added gadgets, the Digital Camera doesnt require a college scholar to understand the simple task of taking the perfect picture.

The creation of Digital Cameras proved to be a major break through, in ancient times, in order to take a picture, the light had to be just right and the camera itself was a large heavy box sitting on a stand making multiple shots impossible. Todays camera gives everyone the opportunity to be a professional photographer, just point and click.

Digital cameras allow you to zoom in or out, perfect your focus, choose your lighting, and pre-screen your picture all before committing to the picture. With a Digital Camera, even if you took the picture, you dont have to keep it, you have the option to delete it. Remember when taking pictures from your camera required dropping it off to the photo shop or developing it yourself I a dark room? OK, so you dropped off the negatives and now its time to pick them up, your excited, you open up the package and realize that half your pictures are blank and your thumb is on the other half. With a digital camera, your not limited to 30 or less before reloading, you can actually take hundreds, maybe even thousands of pictures with out reloading, and its OOPs proof because your screening the picture before taking it, delete what you dont want, down load and print what you do want.

Todays Digital Camera can be found in many shapes and forms, you have the camera phone, video camera, security camera, spy camera, web camera, digital video camera, the camera thats thinner than your credit card, just slide it into your pocket and go

Many digital cameras have timers on them, when taking a family picture or enjoying your family vacation, you to can be part of the picture instead of being the taking the picture, just set the timer and join your family, its you vacation to.

Today we have the super women, shes no longer the stay at home mom, but she still worries about the welfare of her children, did I pick the right baby sitter or nanny? Well, with the hidden camera, they no longer worry, a hidden camera exposes all, they can be put anywhere and into to anything, if that child is being abused, its caught on camera

Many crimes were solved from pictures taken from a witness who had a digital camera or cell phone, digital cameras are often used as evidence in solving crime in the court room,
a note to the cheating husband or wife, beware, your caught on film.